"**** IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!" -Bill O'Reilly

CW University is now over, and I somehow completed it! I can now say that I know CW well enough to be dangerous, lol. I'm a good steady copy at about 7.5wpm, and getting quicker every day!

Last night in da club they had a graduation ceremony for us, complete with certificates and "Pomp and Circumstance": it was pretty cool tbh! The certificates look fantastic, even mentioning the call of our first on-air QSO (our "final exam or practicum", which for me was a QSO with Doc K5TTE):

Biff K4LAW, the instructor of the class, said that this was the best class he had instructed thus-far, and rightly named Scott K4WRX our valedictorian! We had coaching and assistance as well from Dick WB4DKF and Lee KX4TT, and logistical support from Dawn K2WLS: we couldn't have done it without their help and support!

Here's the graduating class at the clubhouse:

So now, I guess I can call myself a CW Operator! I'm going to be posting more and more about my "Adventures in CW", and hope to be contest-worthy by Summer Field Day 2020! Thanks to a recommendation by Lu W4LT, I'm going to be using Morse Runner to get contest-ready. If you haven't seen that program before, definitely check it out!

I also hope to see some of y'all on the bands soon!


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